Automated Vehicle Hour Meter Readings


Time consuming and costly manual readings no longer need to be taken


• Allows you to bill more regularly and more accurately

• Informs customers of fleet rotation to avoid over use of some vehicles and under use of others

• Provides the flexibility to monitor trends and review lease agreements – allowing you to reduce contract terms where

    hours are unused or increase contractual hours to prevent customers paying penalties - thereby adding value to your

    service package


Effortless billing couldn’t be much easier – saving service providers 'time and money'


Automated Service Due Hours


• Replaces calendar-based service scheduling with actual hour-based scheduling to suit your customers vehicle usage

• On time servicing increases reliability and extends vehicle life


 Over & under servicing costs are now a thing of the past


Email Message Alerts


• Allows you to keep customers informed as to when contract hours have been almost used up or already exceeded

• Highlights vehicles due for service

• Improve service planning for maximum efficiency


Know now- not when its too late



The Remote Hour Meter data can be managed online with the MeterCop Web based software. Customers can manage

their servicing requirements and contracted usage hours easily and efficiently enabling more accurate customer billing

and management of engineering site visits.











Remote  monitoring

Stefan    082-810-7303